Tessa Beale & Bina Butcher-Monsees
Midland Junction Arts Centre 2017
Photo Credits: Paul Sutherland
Penumbra focuses on contemplating and simplifying what is frequently overlooked in the natural world. In an effort to create a context for contemplation Bina Butcher and Tessa Beale have gathered natural elements and documented interventions in the environment. This forms the basis of an installation that aims to create the conditions for slower, quieter consideration of our surroundings. Both artists have been travelling to a common location to unearth new tactile sensibilities and to facilitate new physical responses to the natural world in their combined working and presenting space. The reorganisation of gathered material and handmade responses expose textures, colours or forms that highlight detail and offer new perspectives on conventional ways of seeing components of the landscape and the everyday world around us. This is the first formal collaboration between Butcher and Beale.